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...But Sunday is Coming...

Janea Lewis

Holy week is filled with so many emotions. The joy and anticipation during Palm Sunday. The reflection of Maunday Thursday. The despair of Good Friday. The sorrow of that Saturday….

…But Sunday is coming.

God the Father knew. While He was coming up with the designs for man during the 6th day, He knew. He knew that we would sin and let Him down. So, in His infinite grace and mercy, He made many ways for us to maintain relationship with Him.

It started in the garden. That apple was so tempting, and that serpent was so believable. So after we sin, we run. God the Father sought us out, asking “Where are you?” He knew where they were - He is all knowing and all seeing. He knew we had chosen against His ultimate purpose, but His love was so carefree and without regard that He made a way. He made garments to cover their nakedness. We messed it up - He made a way for right relationship.

Throughout many generations, God has given us ways to maintain relationship with Him - usually in some form of sacrifice. We bring sacrifice to Him to make amends for our sins. Yet, it still wasn’t enough. Our sin remained, and the sight of sin in front of a Holy God is an abomination. BUT HE LOVED US STILL.

He knew the time had come. It was the final straw - He was saddened to see His people continue to fail and come up short. He knew His holiness was the only way to make a way.

Enter Jesus.

God sacrificed Himself to restore a right relationship with Him. Wow. To send Jesus to die on a cross, to turn away from Him as He spent those days in hell, and to wait in anticipation - as the common vernacular goes, God had “all the feels”. God the Father felt all those emotions (and probably more) during that week as well! He knew what was coming, and was still able to feel the dread and weight of the sin on Jesus. He knew what was coming, yet He still mourned His son with us.

But the one emotion that did NOT appear that side of the resurrection to believers was the HOPE of Saturday. The Father knew what would happen - He knew Jesus would rise again, VICTORIOUS OVER DEATH!


Today may be Sorrowful Saturday to the disciples and followers of Jesus in that day…

…But Sunday is coming.

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